Who Needs PMBR Books?
Helping my online buddy LawGeekGurl out. She wants to [EDIT: GIVE AWAY] her PMBR books. If you happen to need study aids for the MBE give her a holler. Those books must be good for something other than paperweights.
This here is my sanctuary. See this is where I chill. Where I relax. Where I chillax.
Helping my online buddy LawGeekGurl out. She wants to [EDIT: GIVE AWAY] her PMBR books. If you happen to need study aids for the MBE give her a holler. Those books must be good for something other than paperweights.
I either live or I put a bullet in my brain Saturday.
During my break from the Tax Death March I will watch the JAG series finale tonight on CBS. Come on you want to see how Harm and Mac figure out their lives. 8pm on CBS I think, maybe 9pm.
I'll elaborate more later, but after seeing one comment thread elsewhere I'm amazed at the A) gall or B) sheer lack of understanding about how the real world works of some people.
Yes I've been inspired by the Van Halen song of the same name. Poll question is simple: have you ever been hot for teacher?
Your Linguistic Profile: |
75% General American English |
20% Dixie |
5% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
0% Yankee |
I think these are the lyrics of a song I keep hearing on X103 lately. I love the song, but have no idea who sings it or what the title is. I put in some of the lyrics I could remember and got these lyrics with an indication they might be
Plan for today.
Reality so far.
Sometimes you just have to work around the problem.
Some believed the Mighty Green Ranger would fall apart like the Bluesmobile two weeks before graduation. That date was Sunday and the MGR is in one piece still. I win.
I'm crafty in that I usually have a small stockpile of posts in reserve so I can throw something up when I don't have time to write. Since we're in finals now I've been boosting up the stockpile. See you all in a few weeks.
Why is it that my last class ever as a law student was Income Tax? Couldn't it have been a class that I enjoy more like Freedom of Speech, Press, and Religion or even Criminal Procedure? Yet even those classes didn't light fire under me this semester. Perhaps I should have taken State & Local Government as governmental structures do fascinate me. It is the Josh Lyman in me.
Who at school is doing 30 page views here over the course of 4 hours? This is the last day of classes. Go study for finals! This blog isn't going anywhere.
As both an academic opportunity and a career, we accept that law school and the legal profession are high stress areas. We accept certain imbalances between work, school, and life. Our threshold for suspecting something is wrong with ourselves and others becomes set at a higher level. Yet by setting such thresholds at higher levels, we ultimately harm ourselves or others.
We live in a world where studies show that although law students enter law school quite happy and idealistic about helping others, there soon is a troubling shift to major indicators of psychological distress. These negative changes persist through law school and into the students early careers, making it clear that the negative findings do not represent a brief adjustment period at the beginning of law school. The incidence of clinically elevated anxiety, hostility, depression, and other symptoms among law students ranged from eight to fifteen times that of the general population. In addition, a significant percentage of practicing attorneys are experiencing significant psychological distress well beyond that shown in the general population. These trends seem to be directly traced to law study and law practice. The unusual symptoms are not exhibited when the student enters law school but emerge shortly after beginning law school and remain, without significant abatement, well after graduation. This heightened distress can lead to significant depression, suicide, substance abuse, major life dissatisfaction and lack of professionalism.
The above problems and illnesses aren't simply feeling stressed in school or in a new career. Those are serious psychological and physical issues that affect how we work, study, and live. They are widespread and common, though you likely don't realize that.
Thanks to TV movies of the week we're familiar with the pitfalls of drug and alcohol abuse. The physical and mental destruction it will do to our bodies includes lack of concentration, short term memory loss, blackouts, cirrhosis of the liver, and other symptoms.
Though somewhat dated now a 1993 AALS survey of 3,400 law students at 19 schools discovered
that 3.3 percent of law students said they needed help to control their substance abuse, and approximately 12 percent said they abused alcohol during law school. That amounts to 15,000 law students nationwide who acknowledge problem drinking. Uncalculated are the number who get into trouble when they inhale, shoot, snort, or pop their substances. . . . Studies indicate that lawyers engage in higher-than-average drug and alcohol abuse, affecting from 15 percent to 18 percent of the profession, compared with 10 percent of the general population. The impact on clients can be devastating when lawyers miss filing deadlines, spend money held in trust, or are asleep at the switch in trial.
Disciplinary bodies discover that chemical dependency problems are at the root of 40 percent to 70 percent of complaints about lawyers, says New York state Chief Judge Judith Kaye, president of the Conference of Chief Justices.
For more nebulous conditions such as depression
[a] study of law students and practicing lawyers in Arizona discovered that when students enter law school, they suffer from depression at approximately the same rate as the general population (approximately 8 - 10%). However, by the spring of the first year of law school, 32% of law students suffer from depression, and by the spring of the third year of law school, the figure escalates to an astonishing 40%. Two years after graduation, the rate of depression falls, but only to 17%, or roughly double the level of the general population. . . .
Recent research in the science of the brain has shown that depression causes structural damage to the brain. Scientists now think that the depressed brain suffers areas of cell shrinkage or death because of the depression itself. Depression can be the source of cell atrophy or cell death in the brain and after each episode of depression that causes cell damage a person is ever likelier yet to have another episode of depression. . . . Depression is now understood not to be just decreased mood; it is a neurological event that can have permanent impact on the brain structure. Law school stress may be setting the biological stage for further, deeper or permanent damage to the brain and or depression in our students.
The American Bar Association has noticed the severity of the issue:
In 1991, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore interviewed 12,000 workers about depression. Lawyers ranked No. 1 on the list of occupations that were most depressed.
While 3 percent to 9 percent of the population at any given time may experience depression, a quality-of-life survey conducted by the North Carolina Bar Association in 1991 reported that almost 26 percent of the bar's members exhibited symptoms of clinical depression. Almost 12 percent of them said they contemplated suicide at least once each month.
As we approach finals simply reminding everyone to 'keep it real' seems woefully inadequate. If you are a student, an attorney, judge, or someone else in the legal field every state has a Lawyer Assistance Program. Every school and university has some type of assistance program. If you think you have a problem, or others told you they believe you have a problem, go check to see if you need assistance. We are taught to resolve other people's problems. We forget to resolve our own.
The costs to ourselves and others in this legal experience isn't just student loan debt, time, putting familial and friendly relationships on the back burner, but also potential and devastating damage to our physical and mental health. In 13 days we graduate. The extra cost for some walking across the stage will be around 1 in 10 have abused alcohol or other substances, 40% will have brain damage, and after graduation 1 in 10 may contemplate suicide every month. I hope we can bring those extra costs down in the future.
This is the wrong time of year to get something like this. Finals starting and I certainly don't need the distraction. I can't help but LMAO when reading Darth Vader's blog.
The Colts used their first three picks to go all DEFENSE! The first two picks were used to get corners, a position that needed some upgrading IMHO. Picked 29th in the first round Marlin Jackson was a four-year contributor at Michigan, dividing 39 career starts between safety and cornerback.
Friday SpiesĀ©
Monday is our last day of classes. We took Martin Luther King day off so we have to make up that Monday. This actually works in my favor a bit. Rumor has it some people aren't ready to leave school. I consider such people, if they actually exist, FREAKS! Spring Break of last year was when I reached official apathy. I learn more by doing and observing, not by reading books. That was how I had my previous career. I taught myself computers and to be honest I ended up being damn good at it. I miss doing things.
Due to a location mistake on my part I wasn't able to attend the Save The Filibuster discussion we had at school Thursday. For those not in the loop currently several Republican Senators are frustrated by Democratic filibusters of certain judicial nominees. Their theory being that it is the Senate's role to advise and consent to the judicial nominee, meaning and up or down vote of 51 out of 100 senators. If a filibuster occurs it takes 60 senators to break it. Note the current political composition of the U.S. Senate is 55 Republicans, 45 Democrats (Jim Jeffords counts as a Democrat despite his independent tag). To some, the nuclear option of eliminating the use of a filibuster concerning judicial nominees allows the straight up or down vote the Constitution requires.
I had to take a different route to school today. I went through downtown and the attendees to the Star Wars Celebration are out in force. Within a few blocks I saw a couple of Storm Troopers, several Jedi were walking into the White Castle (who knew The Force depended on Sliders), a cute 8 to 10 year old girl was in a Princess Leia outfit from the first movie complete with the honey bun hairdo. (I'm so glad the Britney Spears influence has not tainted this young one to wear the metallic bikini from Return of the Jedi which would have been creepy.)
Purdue University researchers have discovered what makes unpopped popcorn not pop.
Courtesy of Rocket Scientist.
Post Show Edit Down Below
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.-Anonymous
Dear Congress,
I know this a big deal to many people, but I can not in good faith really offer any commentary on the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany as Pope Benedict XVI. I know my limitations and when it comes to religious matters I know squat. So I will not even attempt say anything constructive about this event.
But for blah blah blah, this event would have never happened.
Some people really harp on the value of doing pro bono work. They had the pro dinner last Friday to recognize the people that had done volunteer work. All you have to do is 50 hours over the course of 3 years to get a little recognition of your effort. As a 1L I said it wouldn't be a problem meeting that piddly requirement. As a 2L I figured I could squeeze something in between classes, moot court, writing my note for the law review, being president of a student org, and all the other things I was doing. As a 3L I figured that things would be so much easier this year that I finally had the spare time to donate a little to the pro bono causes.
You Should Try Street Luge |
![]() With speeds of up to 70 mph, Skateboarding laying down is not as tame as it seems. |
First, I'm glad I have the upgraded Haloscan account that emails new comments to me. If not for that I would never have known this comment was posted.
Anyway, I just got an acceptance letter into the part-time evening program
at IUI and was hoping to talk with someone about it who cangive me a real,
unbiased opinion (vs. blindly believing whatever willbe said at the official
open house this Saturday). I'm sure you have exams very soon and are quite busy
with other obligations, but if you do have a few minutes to spare, I would be
infinitely grateful if youwould be so kind as to send an email my way. Namely,
I'm curious about the part-time program (how satisfied students are with it, if
they feel they missed out on opportunities and activities, what your opinion is
regarding the quality of instruction, etc etc) and also any advice you might be
able to give me, as I will be a first year student from out of state
(Wisconsin). If not, no worries. Take care!
Today is a perfect day weather-wise. It makes me wish I had a motorcycle to go riding around the countryside and city streets. It makes me wish I knew HOW to ride a motorcycle in the first place. I need riding lessons. Perhaps next year I'll sign up for some once I have money and free time.
Okay, I protest! I thought this thing was supposed to be sent only to women. I guess I misread that rule. Damnit I'm kinda drunk now too! I may have to answer this in the morning when I can type better. Legal I luv ya, but you're a bitch for sending this to me.
Perhaps it is my grad school induced Swiss-Cheese memory, but I don't recall having to do very much to graduate from undergrad. I've had to order my cap and gown, fill out my "Yes I'm Still Unemployed" form from the Office of Professional Development, fill out a student survey, and who knows what other forms I've filled out lately. I still need to get some form for the Perkins Loan exit interview. I still need to pick up my Exam Number. I filled out the Bar Application.
If you waited this long to file your taxes you're screwed. Just have TurboTax do the number crunching and send it online to the IRS for you.
Friday Spies Ā© Courtesy of Frolics & Detours and Begging The Question.
In case you're curious today.
You hear murmurs all the time through the blogs: what do you do with your blog when you graduate? This tends to apply more for those of us who write publicly instead of anonymously. At the beginning of the fall semester I didn't think I would need to worry. I didn't write things that are controversial so what did I have to worry about.
Ah yes my dating life. I'll admit a certain non-existence of it since entering this hallowed halls. Unless you count the Phi Delta Phi SpeedDating for some charity event that I did twice. Those were fun, but I wouldn't count them as a dates. The Black Hole is too caustic with my time and my personality. And just about everyone else's personality now that I think about it. Anyway LLM is attempting to hook me up with someone. Her first choice was a nice second-grade school teacher on the rebound from her loser ex-boyfriend. LLM even made sure her friend was non-Catholic as "you've had way too many problems with us Catholics over the years so I found you a cute Protestant. Maybe a change in religion will do you good Brian." Sadly before what was supposed to be our first meeting Miss Teacher went back with her ex-boyfriend again.
I've gone online to find all the student loan debt I actually have between Stafford and Perkins loans. It could be worse. I could have been an out of state student or a med student or had undergraduate debt as well. Still, it is an English Assload of debt (not to be confused with the Metric Assload of debt).
It must have been the pasta. Oh how I love a good pasta. I'm just glad I wasn't a rifle dropping French person.
Your Inner European is Italian! |
![]() Passionate and colorful. You show the world what culture really is. |
Though I often refer to him as "Mayor Bart (D'oh!)" it is out of a homage to The Simpsons and not as a slam on Mayor Bart Peterson. I like Mayor Bart. He does things I like and he does things I hate. In other words, a typical mayor. At least Mayor Bart finally came around to his senses and tried to further consolidate City and County governments. It isn't his fault the State Legislature put up a tremendous hissy fit on the idea. Indianapolis Works or Unigov 2.0 is an idea with merit. I simply wish the higher ups would let us try it out. It'll work or it won't but hey doesn't the city deserve a chance to sink or swim?
If you're out of state I have to explain something to you so this entire post will make sense. Indiana, along with Arizona and Hawaii, doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time. Indiana is always in the Eastern Time Zone, but pragmatically we're in two time zones during the year because everyone else does observe DST: New York time in the fall and winter, Chicago time in the spring and summer. I'll admit certain trips at certain times of the year become nice because jumping a time zone cuts an hour off.
What happens when those kids in South Park grow up? They can't stay 4th graders forever. It dawned on me the other day; Eric Cartman grown up becomes me. Oh boy!
Okay I need advice from those that have been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. I'm running out of money. Stafford Loans don't go very far and there is no way that I can stretch my pitiful checking account all the way through the summer. I can probably beg and borrow money from my family, but I would prefer not to do that.
I blame school on this. I never even heard of the term OCD until I came here. Now I see it all the time in so many people. Maybe something about school draws all the OCD people here. Maybe something about school converts us to OCD freaks. You make the call!
You May Be a Bit Obsessive Compulsive ... |
![]() Meticulous and detailed oriented, you have some irrational obsessions. Maybe it's your super neat closet or washing your hands a gazillion times. You probably know it's weird, but you just can't stop thinking about it. In fact, the more you think about your quirks, the more you have to do them. |
One way to get to Confessions is by entering the term "hot sexy horny nude ladies eating hot dogs" Suprisingly I end up #14 on the list of hits. It appears by posting the lyrics to Sir Mix-a-lot's Baby Got Back is close enough for Yahoo's search engine.
Director Michael Bay (Bad Boys, Pearl Harbor, Armageddon and The Rock) is in talks to direct a live action version of the 1980's classic series "The Transformers." The movie is based on the Generation I characters so we get Optimus Prime, StarScream, and the badass Megatron. For those unfamiliar with the basic plot two warring factions of robots (one good and one evil) search the universe for more fuel and find a great big gas tank called Earth. The Transformers bring their little war with them and humanity is stuck in the middle. A November 2006 release is planned.
I can understand what PBS is trying to do. They want to make eating healthy look like a cool thing to do for kids. But the character's names is "Cookie Monster" and that means he's a monster around cookies! What is healthy eating for Cookie Monster? Is is scarfing down only one bag of chocolate chip cookies? If I turn on Sesame Street and see the big blue furry guy scarfing down a salad I'll be sick.
Wait a second! I know I got at least the first one correct as it is a math problem that is easy to check. Or law school has totally corrupted me. I'm going for the last explanation that my brain is totally shot. It has been since Spring Break of last year by my reckoning.
You Are Not Logical |
![]() (You got 0% of the questions right) Logic is obviously not a talent of yours Or maybe your brain is totally fried today Try again later! |
Victory Field is only 3 blocks from campus. Sadly it is raining right now and the afternoon will be dreary if drier. Why do I care? The Indianapolis Indians start their home opener at 2pm today against the Pawtucket Red Sox. Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling will be pitching for Pawtucket as part of his ankle rehab.
Everyone's favorite JAG lawyers have been axed by CBS after 10 seasons. Series star David James Elliot leaving for ABC seems to be the reason for the axe as JAG's ratings are still decent. JAG ruled! It had topical plots, humor, romantic undertones, and showed big boys with big toys. Harmon Rabb Jr. (who approaches MENTOS (TM) Levels of Coolness) got to fly F-14 Tomcats and toys don't get much bigger than that.
It is so nice and warm and I know the sound of engines turning at the track will happen in about a month. Growing up on the west side, if the wind blew the right way I could hear the cars from my house. They've announced this years pace car and it is worthy: 2005 Chevy Corvette Convertible. I didn't catch who the pace car driver is, but IMS may not have decided on who it is yet.
If you were an elevator repair person wouldn't the first question you have be something like, "I wonder if anyone is stuck in that broken elevator?" How did they miss the fact that someone was stuck in the broken elevator? A shame this guy had already delivered the three Chinese orders else he could have had some food for his three day ordeal.
Okay I've seen a Victoria's Secret commercial with background music from Gladiator. That is wrong on so many levels.
Don't get down by 15 points! You can do that once in a tourney, not twice! Bad ball handling in the last minute of the game. The Illini were my pick so now I'm disappointed.
Had I been near a TV I would have likely watched the Women's NCAA Final Four games last night. Especially since Indy is hosting the games. I bet you forgot there was even a women's Final Four. With luck they probably get a tenth of the coverage and promotion the men's get.