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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Important Question: Who's The Prom Date?

Post Show Edit Down Below

No West Wing tonight so the most important issue is who is Clark Kent going with to the prom?
Should it be Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan, or Lois Lane?

Who do you vote for?

Here is my vote:
Lana Lang is still dating the former assistant football coach (as far as I know), but hey student/(former) teacher dating is frowned upon. So taking Jason would be bad form. Besides Lana is a redhead and whether natural or bottled, they are nothing but trouble. I speak from lots of experience.

Hey we know Clark Kent eventually ends up with Lois Lane so why have him take her to the prom? They'll get plenty of romantic chances for those two later down the road. Besides why would a college freshman (okay she did get kicked out this semester) want to go with a high school senior to the prom? That is so high school.

Obvious choice should be Chloe. She is owed for by the wannabe-Superman for ditching her at the last prom. I know there were a few tornados involved, but hey he didn't have to leave her at mid-dance. So very unromantic. Chloe has been the best friend lately. Besides since this character was created specifically for this series I'm betting she gets killed off in the series finale, whenever that is, so she should be allowed to have some good things happen to her.

This could be the biggest prom date since Angel showed up at Buffy's prom. I wonder what natural disaster will occur this time. I don't watch very many shows, but the few I watch I am almost religiously fervent in watching. I need my mindless entertainment so bad.

Post Show Edit:
On a personal note: I don't like body swapping/possessed spirt episodes. They usually come off cheesy, but not always. I think I would have liked this episode better if the possessor wasn't some one-off sterotypical I live for only the prom teen queen.

Did you get the impression Annette O'Toole enjoyed playing a 18 year old for a bit? Mr. Kent, you had a chance to dance with either/both Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan. Get it in gear boy you could have had fun. Quite moping around over Lana Lang. Of course just to mess with your psyche the writers managed to have you dance with the redhead. They all had great dresses though. Wow, prom has certainly progressed since I last went in the Dark Ages. I can't believe I went to 3 in 2 years.

We have confirmation Jason is evil and in league with his mother. Ummm...I wonder where that will end up. If they go to college next year can the show still be called 'Smallville' because no college is in that town.

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