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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Oh Crap I've Been Chain Meme-ed!!!!!

Okay, I protest! I thought this thing was supposed to be sent only to women. I guess I misread that rule. Damnit I'm kinda drunk now too! I may have to answer this in the morning when I can type better. Legal I luv ya, but you're a bitch for sending this to me.

1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be saved?
Okay though I haven't read the book at least I know what it is about unlike numerous other bloggers! If only one book can be saved it needs to reflect the human experience. It needs to reflect our highs and lows. It needs to inspire.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Dana Scully from The X Files (Is any explanation needed?), Chloe Sullivan from Smallville (But only because Allison Mack is of age. Otherwise it would be creepy and illegal.) , Andrea Zuckerman from Beverily Hills 90210 (I know a very unpopular choice and I'll lose 70 points on some people's scales, but she had brains, was real world, was cute in those glasses, and the fact that I was already in college when it came out and Gabriel Carteris was an older actress really appealed to me.), Lilah Morgan from Angel (yes the bitch queen lawyer of Evil, Incorporated herself). I'm sure there are a few others, but I can't recall them at this time.

3. The last book you purchased?
That wasn't a textbook? I have no friggin' idea! Might have been a few technical manuals on Garand rifles. I think "The Bear and The Dragon" by Tom Clancy. I haven't had a chance to read it yet as the dust indicates.

4. What are you currently reading?
That isn't a textbook or a magazine? I'm pretty up on my magazines: MotorTrend, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, BackPacking. See no Playboy, Penthouse, etc. there for me. I am going through one book at the moment that was the subjected of a very funny case in my Freedom of Speech class: Hitman. Someone dropped this into my lap because she thought I would be amused by it. I AM! This book reads like a BAD 1980's spy novel. Paladin Press' defense should have no "Your honor, no one in their right mind would think this is a serious book. Therefore we win."

5. Five books you would take to a deserted island?

Let me check my bookshelves at the moment. I may have to carry these on my next plane flight. Never know if I'll need them! This list also reflects that I'm a pragmatist, Boy Scout type of guy.
  1. Primative Wilderness Living & Survival Skills.
  2. Primative Wilderness Living Skills, Applied & Advanced
  3. The Basic Essentials of First Aid
  4. Basic Essentials: Knots For The Outdoors
  5. The Brothers Karamozov (I was given this book from my dorm for being a straight A student. Ahh...I remember getting As for a grade. I've never read it. If I'm stuck on a deserted island I guess I'll finally have some free time to see if it is any good.)
Okay, for the three people I wish to torture I select Lawren, Disoriented Express, and LawGeek Gurl. I *HEART* you all so have fun! Tag you're it.

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