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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Meet Da' Mayor

Though I often refer to him as "Mayor Bart (D'oh!)" it is out of a homage to The Simpsons and not as a slam on Mayor Bart Peterson. I like Mayor Bart. He does things I like and he does things I hate. In other words, a typical mayor. At least Mayor Bart finally came around to his senses and tried to further consolidate City and County governments. It isn't his fault the State Legislature put up a tremendous hissy fit on the idea. Indianapolis Works or Unigov 2.0 is an idea with merit. I simply wish the higher ups would let us try it out. It'll work or it won't but hey doesn't the city deserve a chance to sink or swim?

I like Mayor Bart's ideas on a cultural pedestrian/bike trail connecting various downtown districts. I like that he seems to have put a lot of energy into getting an arts culture. Oh yeah that deal to keep a professional football team in town doesn't hurt my opinion of him either.

Mayor Bart is craftier than many people think he is. When he first announced the stadium/convention center deal he threw out the idea of gambling taxes while saying he really preferred a regional tax of some kind, but he knew it wouldn't be passed. Smart move on his part: propose a idea NO ONE will like so that the alternative ALMOST no one would like sounds reasonable by comparison. Slick thinking Mayor Bart as that is what happened with the regional food and beverage tax that is being passed to fund the Convention Center expansion and new dome.

Mayor Bart is coming today as a capstone to the Democratic Law Society's year. It'll be nice hear him speak and try to ask him a few questions. I wonder if DLS will have the Republican Detector out again?

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