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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Win A Bad Date With Brian

Ah yes my dating life. I'll admit a certain non-existence of it since entering this hallowed halls. Unless you count the Phi Delta Phi SpeedDating for some charity event that I did twice. Those were fun, but I wouldn't count them as a dates. The Black Hole is too caustic with my time and my personality. And just about everyone else's personality now that I think about it. Anyway LLM is attempting to hook me up with someone. Her first choice was a nice second-grade school teacher on the rebound from her loser ex-boyfriend. LLM even made sure her friend was non-Catholic as "you've had way too many problems with us Catholics over the years so I found you a cute Protestant. Maybe a change in religion will do you good Brian." Sadly before what was supposed to be our first meeting Miss Teacher went back with her ex-boyfriend again.

Now LLM and Miss Teacher, who has recently broke up with the loser boyfriend again, have decided they want to hook me up with Miss Engineer. Until last night I had never heard of Miss Engineer. Aside from the fact Miss Engineer works in town and is taking her Professional Engineering exam (really big exam like Boards or Bar Exam) this Friday I know nothing about her. Oh yeah they gave me her phone number too.

Anyone have any ideas how to make a phone call to a total stranger? It is awkward for both of us, but why is the pressure on me? In this enlightened equal rights age why is it the man that has to always call first? It never hurts to have a conversation with someone (a lesson so many other people need to learn).

Miss Engineer seems pretty nice if shy. I honestly tried to do as little talking as possible. I listen, unlike so many other people. Meeting her at Starbucks next week should be interesting. Uh-oh, I wonder if she has red hair? Redheads, whether natural or bottled, are nothing but trouble.

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