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Monday, April 04, 2005

Illini Stuck In The Tar

Don't get down by 15 points! You can do that once in a tourney, not twice! Bad ball handling in the last minute of the game. The Illini were my pick so now I'm disappointed.

In other sports related news I've been invited to a fantasy baseball league. Two problem that I see are: 1) I haven't been following sport much the past 3 years so I don't know that I want to spend time and energy in a fantasy league when I'm studying for the bar exam and, 2) I don't know a damn thing about baseball. I'm serious! I've never followed baseball, I don't know what a lot of the stats mean, I have no idea who is good in what positions, and my knowledge of baseball is slightly above that of hockey.

I was sheltered child so gimme a break! I like going to baseball games, but you won't get me into an in-depth analysis of the game because the average 8 year old child knows more about the game than I do. I just go to have a good time with friends. I don't think I'll join the fantasy league.

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