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Friday, April 29, 2005

Law School Is Not Burger King: You Don't Get It Your Way!

I'll elaborate more later, but after seeing one comment thread elsewhere I'm amazed at the A) gall or B) sheer lack of understanding about how the real world works of some people.

Life is hard, sometimes life sucks, and sometimes you have to deal with people you never want to. If anything school should teach you to deal with some major asshats because plenty of those exist in the real world. I've run into students, professors, and others that I never want to see again. That's the real world though and whether you're a newbie or an academic retread you need to get used to that.

PS: When using the term 'asshats' I am NOT referring to any one specific person. I am referring to a class of people. The characteristics should be fairly obvious from the context of this post.

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