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Friday, April 22, 2005

I Want Old School Filibusters!

Due to a location mistake on my part I wasn't able to attend the Save The Filibuster discussion we had at school Thursday. For those not in the loop currently several Republican Senators are frustrated by Democratic filibusters of certain judicial nominees. Their theory being that it is the Senate's role to advise and consent to the judicial nominee, meaning and up or down vote of 51 out of 100 senators. If a filibuster occurs it takes 60 senators to break it. Note the current political composition of the U.S. Senate is 55 Republicans, 45 Democrats (Jim Jeffords counts as a Democrat despite his independent tag). To some, the nuclear option of eliminating the use of a filibuster concerning judicial nominees allows the straight up or down vote the Constitution requires.

Okay I don't want to filibuster nuked. However I do want it changed. I want it to go Mr. Smith Goes To Washington style. I want one Senator to force the Senate into a grinding halt. That Senator has to read a cookbook, the phonebook, has a stadium buddy with him so he can't leave to use the rest room (I have no idea if there is a female equivalent). I want EFFORT put into a filibuster. The current filibuster is a lazy filibuster. If someone or a team of someones has to force the Senate to pay attention to them, that is the filibuster I respect!

Get that written into the Senate rules.

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