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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Friday Spies

Friday SpiesĀ©

1. Which Simpsons character are you most like?

This may shock some people, but really Groundskeepr Willie is closest to me.

"On the surface, Groundskeep Willie is surly, gruff, hot tempered sort of a fella, and what you see is what you get. As far as this shaggy-haired, thickly-accented Scotsman is concerned manners are for bath-taking, underpants wearing lily huggers. Willie would rather wrestle a wild Alaskan timber wolf than sit down to high tea. At the faintest sign of trouble, Willie rips off his shirt and hurls his muscular body into the fray."

Yeah, that's the ticket!

2. Name a song you hate that is performed by a band you like. Name a song you like by a band you hate.

I'm going to have to come back to this one later. Hard to think of a band I hate but a song I like.

As for the song I hate, but the band I like I love Van Halen, but Pound Cake is just weird to me.

3. What skills do you possess? Nun chuck skills? Computer hacking skills?

I can unscrew almost any stuck valve on a brass instrument. If it was stuck before they looked for a wrench they looked for me! My hands may be small, but they have high torque. That comes in handy for my infamous back massages. I can anger almost anyone. I feel this is more inate ability than a skill though. A high tolerance for alcohol is never to be dismissed. Oh yeah, I seem to be a good writer to boot.

Coen Brothers or Farrelly Brothers?

The Coen Brothers hands down. I've hardly seen any Farrelly Brothers' movies because they don't interest me. On the other hand Coen Brothers classics: The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Bad Santa, The Lady Killers, and Raising Arizona.

5. What do you predict will be the worst part(s) of the
new Star Wars movie?

Any romantic dialog between Anakin and Padme. I swear George Lucas is incapable of finding a writer that understands romance at all. The lines in Attack Of The Clones were so wooden I expected the Queen to slap Skywalker's face. Even I have slightly better lines than him.

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