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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Beginning Of The End

Classes begin today for me. My last semester has finally arrived. Over two and a half years straight of classes leading to this moment. I see the far light at the end of the tunnel. Why does it feel like a freight train coming my way?

If you look at the numbers you would think I'm happy. I'm only taking three classes and law review for 11 credits. I could have gotten away with taking only one class. I may have classes 5 days a week, but at least nothing starts till after lunch. I can study, do pro bono, possibly find a job, or just sleep in a bit during those mornings.

I'm just melancholy about today. It should be a new fresh beginning, yet it feels like the S.O.S. to me. I hope today is good. I'll find out in a few hours.

*NOTE: In case you don't know what S.O.S. stands for just highlight below.
S.O.S. = Same Old Shit

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