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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Good Bye! Good Bye! Good Bye!

I've never understood the Toyota Echo. Such an ugly car, totally underpowered, and handled like a sled. It appears less than 4,000 people understood it last year so Toyota is pulling the plug on their subcompact. Toyota advertised it as hip and fresh. I guess they meant really weird looking. The biggest flaw is that you could get the slightly larger, slightly more powerful, best selling Corrola for just slightly more, if not the same, amount of money as the Echo. You can't have two cars with at very similar price points in the same family, not if they serve the same basic function.

Since two "European styled" small cars will replace it in 2006 those replacements will compete against the new Honda that will be below the entry level Civic and the possible sub-Jetta from VW. Two replacement cars? It just takes one decent car to replace that piece of dog meat Echo.

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