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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

For The Ladies: How To Pick Up Guys

Public Service Announcement from Confessions.

Ladies, I've heard so many of you complain (be honest Brian some really know how to BITCH) about your inability to find a nice guy. Some of you are actually nice people so the problem isn't you. (Though if you are a TOTAL BITCH, then he's just not that into you for good reason.) This
brief article is full of useful tips, but I personally like #1: having my ego stroked (a little bit), 2: seeing that you like sports (it wouldn't take much for you to have more sports knowledge than I), #4: you demonstrating that you have a sense of humor (I love a good joke or funny story) and aren't a total bitch, and #5: that plunger story is one I can relate to. I can be found in Aisle 4.

EDIT: I like the idea behind #8, but if you burn a CD it might have certain Intellectual Property issues. I won't tell if you won't tell though.

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