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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Don't Care About Grades

Three weeks since finals ended. When was the first time I checked for grades? Today! Sometimes I show great restraint. Truthfully I've learned after two and a half years that it takes at least three weeks for grades to get in. How many showed up? The pass/fail class only so far.

You know I might not check again for another 3 weeks. I can understand the 1Ls wanting to know their grades. A "baptism by fire" mindset to see a cummulation of their first semester. If they did okay then no need to modify study habits. If not so okay, then might need to read more in-depth, create better outlines or something. As for everyone else it doesn't matter. Does anything we did in the fall affect us in the spring? Nope.

Besides, the bulk of the cumulative G.P.A. is well behind me. I could get straight A's or straight F's and my G.P.A. wouldn't change that much. You might move up or down the class rankings a bit, but unless you're in that top 10% gunning for something close to valedictorian, your rankings won't move enough once you're a 3L to worry about anything. Think about it the math involved (yes I know this will be difficult for many law students as you came to school to avoid math, but trust me). Your general G.P.A. and class ranking have been determined by your third semester. The rest of your academic career you're likely making the similar grades as the first three semesters. Unless you suddenly produce some radically different grades, like straight A's or straight F's then the numbers you produce in one semester won't be enough to alter the numbers you've already produced.

Hence I'm very calm about my grades. 14 credits will not change my general position on the bell curve. Besides one grade is always late, so hopefully everything will be in by Spring Break.

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