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Friday, January 07, 2005

Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor

I know some BIG Kevin Spacey fans read Confessions so here's the scoop. Spacey's next project beginning March 3rd is the role of Lex Luthor in Bryan Singer's version of Superman.
As for Spacey, Singer [Ed. X-Men, X2, Apt Pupil] had long sought to cast the actor, who in turn was eager to reunite with the director who guided his first Oscar-winning performance a decade ago in The Usual Suspects. [Ed. One of my personal favorite movies.] ''The huge attraction for me was the chance to work with Bryan again,'' Spacey told Variety. ''Lex Luthor is a wonderful

Spacey will be working with Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. [Ed. I'm not so sure about that one, but...]
Bosworth won the part over several other prominent actresses — including Claire Danes, Scooby-Doo's Linda Cardellini, and Boston Public's Michelle Monaghan — through a long series of auditions that involved what the trade paper calls a ''chemistry test'' seeking sparks between
relative unknown [Brandon]
Routh [Ed. the new Superman] and his more seasoned potential leading ladies.

I know Kevin Spacey has the gravitas to play such a meaty role, but how does he look bald?

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