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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Let Darwinism Happen Please

For those out of town we're currently experiencing a 40 days and 40 nights rain cycle currently. We got road closed all over the place due to flooding. Though hard to believe it only takes 3 or 4 inches of running water to float many cars. This is why the roads are closed.

Sadly after 2 generations of putting warning labels on everything, mandating seatbelt use, airbags and antilock brakes in cars, wearing helmets while riding bikes, soft plush toys instead of hard metal toys, we have created several generations of people that Darwin would have taken out in the past.

Case in point: on the morning news today they showed how some rural roads were closed with newly installed flood barricades. Think of a big steel gate blocking the road so that Dawrinistic drivers can't continue driving through. Show three blonde under 21 women in a Chevy Cavelier. You know that voice young women who struggle to have triple digit IQs have? She had that voice. Ummm..ya know if that barricade wasn't there I would go for it. Pan to the road overflowing with water from a large creek next to it. I say go for it girl. Just don't expect a rescue when your car gets swept into the creek. Let Darwinism happen please!

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