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Monday, January 17, 2005


I still have a scar from where I bashed in my own head last week. I was cleaning my floor and moved a CD carole out of the way that is underneath a shelving system I have on the wall. As I bent down to get the dustpan in a good position to catch the dust bunnies I managed to whack my head on the corner of what would normally be a chest high shelf. I have no idea how blood didn't escape from my body and two aspirin and an ice pack later I decided to finish the job. Since it is an L-shaped scar I can tell I hit the corner and all that pressure was on one point of my skull. No wonder it felt like someone drove a nail into my head.

However at least I didn't actually nail own head unlike this guy. Yikes, through his lip and just missed his right eye. The fact the nail was in his skull for 6 days and no one including him knew about it is freaky. Watching the news this morning the Denver hospital said it was the second time they've removed a nail from a head in a year. The construction worker is thinking about getting a different type of job once he recovers. Ya think! I wonder what the OSHA form would say?

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