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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Random TV Thoughts

Boston Legal: I'm not sure which is better 1) the fantastic witty dialogue or 2) the fantastic visuals. Examples of the witty dialogue are too numerous to quote. The visual of Tara lounging her chair watching TV is hilarious once she and her chair are shoved backwards and Alan Shore's head pops up from underneath the desk to watch the news. I'm sure E.Spat wished she was Tara at that point.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: They had on what was probably the single best episode in all 7 seasons of Buffy. The one where Angel is still evil, kills Willow's fish, lays pictures he has drawn of people next to their bed, and KILLS Jenny Calendar. This thought comes to me every now and then about The Curse. Okay lemme get this straight. Gypsies give an evil vampire his soul back as punishment so that he'll have to feel the guilt of all the evil things he has done. Makes sense so far. However if the vampire with a soul isn't feeling guilty, but feels one perfect moment of true happiness, then the soul goes away, he no longer feels guilt over his crimes, and he is no an evil vampire again. WTF kind of tripwire flaw is that? Well golly gee I guess if you feel all happy then it's okay to let you go evil again. That doesn't make any sense!

Battlestar Galactica: After only 2 episodes, this may now be the best drama on TV. Not sci-fi drama, but drama. Dramas are ultimately about people, and not about the places they take place in. BSG takes place in space with starships, but the stories are about the people. Actions have consequences and this show brings that point home. Someone has to give the order to destroy a ship that might have 1,300 people aboard. Someone as to pull the trigger and live with the consequences that he may have just killed 1,300 people. Lovers are hiding evidence that may damn one as a traitor. One person is confused about who and what she is quite literally. Damn that is drama! Doesn't hurt to have two Academy Award nominated actors in the cast as well. BSG also shows how great the mighty Trek franchise has fallen with Enterprise. Jeez was the high watermark of Star Trek really Deep Space Nine?

The West Wing: Did they hire new writers or has the inclusion of John Wells as producer really been that much of a difference? This has been the most interesting season of West Wing in years. Have the pres incur MS episdoes, almost kill Leo, and let's break up the gang and see what happens. Crazy idea I thought, but so far WW has managed it very well.

The Simpsons: Still good, still better than 75% of the shows out there currently, but definitely has lost a few steps. After 16 seasons who would be surprised by that? I wonder when Fox will finally cancel it? In another year or two it might deserve it, but the fan uproar would be scary to see.

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