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Thursday, May 13, 2004

Weird Stuff Next Door

I open my front door to dump a few things in my truck before leaving for the first day of my internship (unpaid of course) and I see a group of six people on the sidewalk with a few badges on their belts. As I go back to my front door to grab the last of my stuff a Marion County Sheriff's deputy asks me about my neighbor who I don't see, but the front door is open. Didn't explain why he was asking. He asked about knowing if there were teenagers coming and going.

Odd that it was a sheriff's deputy as this is a City of Lawrence jurisdiction and the questions didn't have a pattern. If I wasn't running late I would have asked a few questions. Amazing how once you see a badge you become the nosy neighbor.

I was gone from home for 12 hours. None of his windows are broken, no yellow tape blocking the door, some lights are on and I even hear some music coming from the upstairs bedroom window. But the air conditioning is on as I can hear it from his patio and those windows are open.

Something weird is going on!

EDIT: 5-14-2004
Happened to look past my living room window and saw neighbor with his golden retreiver puppy on a leash. Cool, he's not dead at least! I'll have to talk to him the next time I see him.

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