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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

My Poor Modem!

My desktop PC has been trashed since January. As my school laptop is the computer I use most often, because I'm never home, I didn't worry too much about the ol' desktop. Last week I decided to try to fix it. I was hoping to get Windows XP functional so I could recover files. Did I mention that I never figured out how to get the CD-Burner to work properly. WinXP has native support for burners my ass!

Anyway, it became appearent rather quickly that I needed the full reinstall. So much for recovering emails, address books, employment history, cool sound files, tax records, the good porn, old assignments, and other critical files were forever lost. Sometimes I think I should see if I can get that old tape drive to work under WinXP. It was slow, but if I only select the files I want to keep at least something gets backed up!

Here's the problem with a reinstall of WindowsXP, I want to install all the updates and fixes. Over the course of this week I've installed over 150MBs of updates through my old fashioned analog modem. No DSL or Cable Modems for me. I like the free stuff! Remember I'm po'! It took 5 hours to download Service Pack 1 by itself. It took 3 nights to get that puppy downloaded. Geez, 51MB through a modem.

I think the steam is still floating off the modem.

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