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Thursday, May 13, 2004

A Question For The Readers

What do you think of the blog?

I average 24 reads a day and 27 page views a day. One day I'll find out what the difference is between the two. What does that mean? It's mostly friends (mostly, but not always, from school), law school classmates, and the occasional stranger who somehow finds this blog.
Given the fact I haven't told too many people about Confessions I suppose 24 reads a day isn't bad. It also is only 3 months old or so. Is that an infant or fully matured in internet years?

What purpose does Confessions serve? Some blogs are political commentaries. Josh's site is like that and it gets tons of hits. I've noticed the most common spikes are when I spout off on some political commentary. Yet I fight politics all the time with another online group of friends. I give as good as I get, but I don't want to overdose. Besides after a few posts it is pretty obvious where my political leanings are.

To me this is an artistic outlet combined with occasional serious commentary. A virtual eclectic potpurri into the mind of Brian. Oh aren't you scared of me now? Let me be serious for a moment though. Where else on the internet will you find the happenings of Indianapolis, insight into law school, an analysis of Angel (I know I'm two episodes behind. I promise to catch up over the weekend), automotive news and commentary, great drunken quotes, and historical knowledge. Wait until I get into other hobbies of mine!

So this goes back to the original question: what do you think of Confessions?

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