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Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Add Insult to Injury or The Legal Tips You Need

Ugh..found the email last year that announced the job opportunity that I wanted for this year. That email went out this time last year requesting resumes by April 11th.

This year there was no email announcement and they just filled up positions as resumes came in via word of mouth contacts. Had I known they would start filling up positions in late February I would have sent in my resume sooner! Several of us are P.O.ed to be honest. We relied on this year's procedure to be the same as last year's procedure.

There's a tip for my non-legal friends reading this. RELIED or RELIANCE is a magic word to use sometimes. "Hey I relied on this info I was given; therefore, I shouldn't be caught holding the bag." Just a tip from your Uncle Brian.

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