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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This Might Explain A Few Things.*

*I will not explain how I overheard this. I will not include any names to protect the guilty, the innocent, the drunk, the sober. Anyone familiar with this conversation should not say a word or at least lie.

Can someone tell me why prostitution is illegal? I sell my services by the hour all the time, why is sex different?

Probably lobbies from women's groups, not to mention the florist lobby. Men end up paying way more for sex under the current system.It usually takes hundreds of dollars of dinners, movies, and gifts to even get a chick to even *think* about sleeping with you. If men could legally pay directly for sex, entire industries would dry up.

Interesting take. I was just going to go with church and legislating morality, but yours is much more"second gunman" of a theory. I like it.

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