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Thursday, January 20, 2005

A Real Man's Car

DaimlerChrysler AG has no qualms about ignoring female tastes -- at least when it comes to selling Dodge cars.
The new Dodge Magnum sport wagon and a soon-to-be-released Dodge Charger, a modern
update of the classic muscle car from the 1960s, are very much targeted at a male audience, said Trevor Creed, design chief at the company's U.S.-based Chrysler unit.
"It does scream male, there's no doubt about that. We found that in our market research and focus groups,"
he said at an automotive conference in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn.

Is someone having a problem with such manly marketing and design? I sure don't. *grunt* More power!

It isn't like Dodge hasn't designed cars specifically for female in the past. "Heather rose" as a paint color with plenty of feminine accessories? *shudders* I just hope those designers are smarter now. Le Femme...*shudders*

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