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Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Old Man Is Young At Heart

Unless you actually know my age, no one believes it. Most think I'm around 5 years or so younger than I actually am. Though it's been suggested by several others that I have an old soul. The soul may be old, but the heart isn't!

Perhaps my Gemini duality explains the results. That other side took this test. Or is that my other personality? Is it really bad when a twinned Gemini has multiple personality disorder? Ummmmm.

Courtesy of Robin.

You Are 24 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

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