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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

They Grow Up So Fast

I like the way you smile at me when I talk to you. It has been two months since I've seen you, but you've grown so fast. Your mommy says that you're crawling everywhere now and even walking if you have something to hold onto. Eleven months and you're moving! It's hard to believe a year ago you were still inside her belly. I even have the pictures to prove it. Oh you're mommy is now grateful to have those pictures now as a reflection of a special time in her life. Though your mommy was grumpy at the time, but that's another story for later. Your even eating some solid food now, cauliflower and carrots! Sounds yummy I feel. Oh thank you for the little puppy, oh I have to give it back now. I understand this game now. Oh look you can swing the spoon that stirred the tea like a drumstick. Perhaps you're a budding drummer? Oh you want your bottle! I can hold you and give it to you. I'm sure your mommy wants to eat her dinner.

I'm suddenly surrounded by so many babies. Five years ago I would have likely freaked about the concept. Now I live vicariously through them to an extent. Some are suddenly moving around and wanting to see if Mr Butterfly floats in a toilet. Some are younger and still immobile, but about to be baptized into their parents' faith. Others are even younger and simply wanting to sleep all day. One is simply being created now and waiting to be born in 8 months.

One would think that I feel old and mortal when surrounded by so many of this new generation. They should be a reminder that time continues on, that aspects of my life are in temporal hold or don't even exist, and that eventually I will be surpassed by this new generation. You're wrong though, when I'm surrounded by these little babies that are discovering the world I feel young. I get to see the world through their innocent and curious eyes. What a joyous thing to behold from this old soul's point of view.

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