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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Protector Of Democracy

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, but I signed up to be a poll worker on Election Day. You can't just be working at a polling station you have to sign up for one side or the other. I'm a little miffed about that. Can't all sides be interested in safeguarding democracy for the sake of democracy?

It's very humorous how to become a poll worker. A school email said to contact your local political party office so you have to choose one. If you're not politically savvy if you go to the county Democratic website they have nothing concerning the topic of being a poll worker. If you go to the Republican county website they do have info. It talks about signing up for the May primaries! Ladies and gentlemen of both parties, might I suggest updating your websites a little more often.

Luckily the city-county government's website has an online form you can fill out. You still have to select R or D, but you fill in the blanks, select a position you want to apply for and the info gets sent to the respective party machine. What do you know, the county government has it right for a change.

I don't know where I'll end up or if I get to select something, but if you run into me on Tuesday November 2nd, please say hello.

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