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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Addicted To Avril

On the off chance you haven't turned on your car radio in a week, Avril Lavigne's latest song "My Happy Ending" is on. In fact you can change to a different station, catch the song again, and change to a different station and catch the song again! This just happened to me.

Here's the catch, I really like the song! It's very easy to hear the lyrics with my damaged ears and easy to see along with (scary image I must confess). I first caught it on Smallville where they played about three lines of it and I could tell it was a good song. I have to admit this girl (at age 20 she seems like a girl to me) who writes her own songs and plays her own guitar has some serious talent. I'm just hoping the play rotation on the radio lets up a little bit or the song will burn out. How many great songs can you simply not stand anymore because it was played every five minutes for three months?

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