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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Almost Published

Yesterday I received some publishers copies of my note. The publishers copies are 25-30 individually bound copies of your note/article to be published. They are keepsakes and gifts that the author, me, can give to friends and family.

All that hard work, sleepless nights, blurry eyes, grouchy demeanor, and killing of small forests for paper actually accomplished something or will accomplish something soon. Soon the entire journal will be published and I'll appear in WestLaw and Lexis. Someone could actually cite to me in the future. Freaky concept!

It is nice to have a tangible item that represents my work. I actually did something in school. I will leave my own small mark on the legal world. I am also so thankful I got into law review when I did. They changed the standards for this year and I wouldn't qualify now. A bit ironic don't you think?

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