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Monday, September 13, 2004

Big Trouble

Instead of being a big shindig Cheesy Movie Night ended up being an intimate swaree. For a first time that might be have a good thing. All the food was good including my chicken and Thai noodles, R's green bean casserole, and J & Z's salad. It started later and ended earlier than I had hoped, but we still got one movie in and it was a good one.

The Blockbuster had Real Genius, which fit both Val Kilmer Comedy Night AND It Must Be Weird Science Night, but they didn't have Weird Science! The movie is a classic! I can understand there being a lack of copies, but they didn't even have Weird Science! Looking for a substitute I did see Big Trouble with Tim Allen, Rene Russo, Stanley Tucci, Janeane Garofalo and a who lot of other people. It was out in theaters for maybe a week, but it is a great movie. It is based on a book written by humorist Dave Berry so if you like his columns you'll love the movie. Everyone enjoyed the movie!

When you have some downtime go rent it as it is well worth and only 90 minutes long.

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