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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Bake Sal...er...Sugar Boost For Students.

Fundraising. It is a student organization's worst nightmare, or at least a pretty bad one. There are only so many realistic ways to get some incoming cash for your org. There are tons of ways to have that cash flow out! As a smaller organization we are even more limited in what we can do. As the grand poohba I decided we would go with the traditional route: a bake sale!

I advertised it, but I had two problems
  1. I always try to keep my organizational emails a little light-hearted so that it stands out among the deluge of email our school sends out in a day.
  2. I just couldn't say/type the words 'bake sale.' It just didn't sound manly enough.

I had to ponder for a few minutes before a solution came up: the sugar boost for students! That energy boost is the only reason most students buy our products in the first place so let's go ahead and acknowledge that! It was found to be humorous so I'm happy.

The best part is that the chocolate/peanut butter yummies I made involved no baking. I don't bake! Too many things have gone horribly wrong with baked goods created by me. Umm..chocolate and peanut butter, what genius first thought up that combination?

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