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Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I used to go to movies all the time. Very rare for me now to go. Since this is Spring Break and I wanted a break from the 12 page anal probe that is the Bar Application I decided to see Sideways.

A friend gave me an interesting take to the movie. DrunkenIrishMan said the first 5 minutes is just like another friend who is notoriously late to everything. I giggled the first 5 minutes of the movie because I know DrunkenIrishMan was right!

That's the allure of the movie, we can see people we know in it. Two middle aged loser guys go for a bachelor party/vacation in Napa Valley and learn about life. Miles (Paul Giamatti) is the neurotic wine snob on more happy pills than your grandmother. Jack (Thomas Haden Church, yes Lowell from Wings) is a washed up actor about to get married and wanting one last fling. Of course if you have two guys you have to have two girls. If Virginia Madsen can't snap you out of a depression then you have no hope. I've never heard of Sandra Oh, but she's the happy go lucky spirit of the movie.

Sideway is like the bottle of wine. It ages and develops in front of you while giving you a good buzz. Either you've been through some of the stuff you see or you know people who've done stuff like this. I think all the buzz about the movie isn't because it is so great (it is very good movie don't get me wrong), but because it is just a small indie film that deserved to be seen in this mediocre blockbuster world that is out most of the time. Sideways is a good story about life.

I just hope in 10 years I don't end up like Miles.

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