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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Pepsi Cola,

I am likely the only customer you have for Pepsi One. I am so well known for my Pepsi One addiction that when people need to find me around school I will be referred to as "The guy holding the Pepsi One can." This habit of always having one of your normally fine products in my hand dates back to high school. In fact one of the most infamous high school photos of me shows your blessed blue can of sweet goodness in my hand.

But I digress. Pepsi One isn't your best product but it suits my needs. It tastes better than the carbonated distilled battery acid you call Diet Pepsi, but only has one calorie unlike your regular Pepsi (nectar of the carbonated cola gods). That one calorie must be the flavor calorie. Imagine my surprise when I saw your normal silver box and cans had changed to black with the phrase "new sweetener" on it. I haven't figured out what your old sweetener was, but now you are using Splenda.

I wouldn't think transitioning to a different sweetener would alter the taste so much, but now Pepsi One tastes flat as soon as I pop the can. I'm not certain it fizzes as much as I believe a carbonated cola should. If I wanted a flat cola I would just open a can and let it sit for 30 minutes. Now I get that flat taste right out of the gate.

I'm extremely disappointed by this new version of an old product. Seems too much like the Coke/New Coke controversy from the 1980's. Unless this problem is resolved I may have to switch to other fine carbonated beverages to get my boost.

Thank you,
Jittery from lack of proper stimulants in carbonated form law student.

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