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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Spontaneous Barrister's Ball Date!

Don't have time to get into, but through IM, luck, luck, my best friend, luck I now have a dance/dinner champion for the prom...err...Barrister's Ball.

This will be an interesting evening I bet. TTYL.

EDIT: First, what do you know I do clean up nicely! It may take the extreme of getting into a tux, but damn I look good! Second, L wasn't supposed to be available tonight so I didn't try to call her earlier. Just dumb luck she got online at 5pm. Note that dinner was to start around 7:30 and she needed quick shower and long drive down! Third, I drove across town to rendezvous with L and to save time. The MGR on full afterburner is an impressive sight. Just because 0-60 can be measured with an egg timer doesn't mean the MGR doesn't attain high rates of speed. Fourth: we got to the ball at 7:20 baby! Fifth: many of us scumbag law student types do clean up nicely in tuxedos. Maybe hope exists for us yet. Sixth: ladies your dresses...nice...definitely a two-breath dress on many of you. They took my breath away twice! Actually L's took mine away a third time when she got to spin so I saw the whole thing. Seventh: dinner wasn't bad actually! Many of us were worried after the mediocre buffet from last year. Eight: my fav prof won a couple of awards. Good for him. Several classmates won deserving awards as well. My ballot box stuffing plan worked! Nine: dear Mr. Disk Jockey, going from a slow song to rap isn't the best move. If you can't do two slow dance songs in a row at least do a medium tempo song after the slow song. L. couldn't dance a fast tempo in those shoes at all. Tenth: I've been to two Barrister's Balls and I've been with the two most important women in my life. Does it get any better than that?

I had very good time tonight, with minimal alcohol. How did that happen?

PS EDIT: We failed the fancy dinner etiquette test big time. Didn't help when I reached for the water glass on my left. I can't help it, I'm a lefty! Oh yeah the fork at the top is the dessert fork, not the salad fork. Pass the butter to the right...how about the other right? Oh wait it's a big blob of butter goes onto the bread plate so I don't have to keep asking for butter. We think we had it figured out by the end of the meal, but none of us are truly sure.

PPS EDIT: The only reason I knew to let Amanda and Justin back in was because I saw the glass in that door shimmy! It was dark outside and inside and from the table I only saw the candlelight reflecting back at me. I hope y'all didn't have to wait too long. Fabu dress Amanda.

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