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Friday, March 04, 2005

  • Dancing With Myself
  • I'm going solo to the Barrister's Ball. I'm not heartbroken or sad about it. It just happened and was no one's fault. My companion is a very smart, very funny, very energetic person and I know we would have had a great time. But something came up that screwed up her travel plans and it became the ultimate physics problem: too much distance and not enough time.

    Last year the Barrister's Ball was easy. One of my best friends and I went and we had a blast even though she was surrounded by law students which are the enemy in her book. This year was not easy at all. My friend from last year was on-call at the hospital. Another friend would be at her father's birthday party. Another friend just didn't want to go at all this year or maybe she would go with her ex. Another friend was already going with someone else. Another friend just started dating a hot boytoy and wanted to give him a spin on the dance floor. A fairly close blogging buddy and I have been wanting to meet sometime so this seemed like a good reason. Sadly this weekend is the beginning of her spring break and she would be in Florida. I don't blame her for choosing Florida over the Midwest at this time of year. I went through 10 people and figured I was jinxed. In some ways I was amazed I could even think of 10 single, unattached women. I'm at that stage in my life where I know far more married/coupled people than I do singles.

    But Person #11 was a very interesting and funny story. I was looking forward to telling this story, with her permission, as it could only happen in this day and age. Oh well. We shall hopefully get together later this semester. I'll be at a table with friends and I'll have a good time. I just don't like dancing with myself.

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