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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Overacheivers Can Win A Car!

Wickenburg High School in Arizona will give away a new Chevy Aveo to one of the students with perfect attendance as of the last school day.

Where do I even begin?
  1. Great overacheivers who are already anal are being given a chance to be more eager.
  2. The idea of perfect attendence is just promotes sick people to come to school and spread their germs to the rest of the student body. No perfect attendence awards in a law school, but lots of folks just shouldn't come in to give me their germs. As Tracey Ullman noted, "GO HOME!"
  3. If the thought of a new car is what it takes for you to achieve perfect attendance, then you're likely not someone that will relistically benefit from perfect attendance.
  4. A Chevy Aveo. The only car worse would be a Daewoo. Oh wait a minute, the Chevy Aveo IS a Daewoo! Yes when Daewoo left the U.S. automotive market in 2002 with their tail tucked between their legs General Motors bought them out. GM, strangely doing well everywhere BUT in North America, decided to reimport the Kalos as the Aveo to give Chevy are really cheap car to sell to teen agers and pizza delivery drivers everywhere. Okay, first, I fear I car I can bench press. Second, Daewoo is Korean for Renault!
  5. I'm not certain this is an award, but a punishment.

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