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Sunday, March 20, 2005

5 Mile Gauntlet

Once I made it to the 4th mile I wanted to see how far could I go. Every lap would be a new record for me. Could I do another 16 laps for 1 extra mile? My pace will never set the world on fire, but at least it was more than a walk. My legs, knees, ankles, and feet felt okay. Maybe they're finally toughening up, I don't know.

I hit the 5 mile mark and decided to walk a few laps to cool down. 12 minute miles are slow, but steady gets you to the end. That was when my ankle decided to throb in pain. One hour of throbbing ankle for one hour of jogging 5 miles. Perfect symmetry I guess.

I still need to pick up my distance if I want to do the Mini. I wonder how far I can go tomorrow?

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