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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Okay I Do Feel Like A New Person

As most of the locals have seen I've done a radical change. It has surprised, shocked and awed almost everyone that has seen it. Is it their belief that I am conservative and alledgedly unchanging or is it such a big deal that many are shocked anyone would do it? Perhaps it is such a major difference that causes them to go "Oh wow!"

I now have blond hair.

The initial reactions have ranged from "Wow, what happened to you?" to "Oh wow you've colored your hair!" to "Hey is that Brian over there?" I would say positive reactions after the initial shock have been 3 to 1 in favor of it.

Why did I do it? A few reasons actually. I wanted to do some kind of change. I wanted to do something different. I don't mind experimenting on lots of things. To be honest I've felt very pissy and angry these past few weeks. Many female friends have bought new clothes, had very different haircuts, or dyed their hair after big emotional dramas. They always come back saying they feel like a very different person after doing that. I don't understand why that is, but I can't argue with the results. I do feel like a different person now. Might be all the chemicals entering my bloodstream via the hair.

For whatever reason I do have a little emotional bounce now. I haven't felt this pleasant in several weeks. Mom freaked out about it when she saw me, but the dog still recognized me. Dad just didn't care. Am I going to keep this blond hair? I doubt it, but I'll enjoy it for the next few weeks. Never think I don't take chances.

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