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Monday, February 21, 2005


*Inspired by watching something on morning TV.

Our HR person was a major dweeb. He also reminded us of Mr. Rogers with that soft soothing voice of his. When trying to figure out our benefits he was a black hole of information. Information requests went in, but nothing ever came out. While going through the updated employee handbook several of us noticed what we thought was a flaw.

US: Hey in the handbook it says that every time we're sick we get an Incident and it takes a Personal Day.
Mr Rodgers: Yes, your Personal Days are your sick time. But you get 8 Personal Days a year and most people won't be sick 8 different times a year.
US: Yeah, but we get fired after 7 Incidents. Under this rule we can be fired for taking our benefits.
Mr. Rodgers has the look of the Pointy Haired Boss when he realizes that he has been outsmarted.
Mr. Rodgers then explains that if you take 2 consecutive Personal Days for being sick that you only get 1 Incident for that. So at worse we would get 4 Incidents and couldn't be fired.

US: Yeah, but how many of us have kids that get sick? Junior gets sick with the flu and can't go to school. You gotta stay home to take care of the kid. So really our 8 Personal Days isn't just for me, it is also for our families. We can still get 7 Incidents and be fired for taking our benefits.

I think at this point you could see the steam coming out of Mr. Rodgers' ears.

Mr. Rodgers: I'll talk with corporate and get back to you on that.

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