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Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Desire For Civility

Along the lines of my other recent post desiring that human being be civil in their speech (though I didn't articulate it as such), is this heart warming story. Sadly it is likely to fail I feel, but I can hope it works out.

Two lawmakers who crossed the political aisle to become congressional friends and basketball buddies began a drive on Wednesday for greater civility in the sharply divided U.S. House of Representatives.

With former House leaders on hand to recall the old days when Democrats and Republicans worked, drank and played golf together, they announced creation of a bipartisan Center Aisle Caucus.

For the older members of Congress perhaps golf would work out better than basketball? The concept is the same. You can believe in different things, you can disagree about them, but you can be civil and professional about it. You can be friends with the enemy. Would you believe some of my best friends are far-left liberals? We debate each other all the time, but we're respectful and civil about it. (Our insults are purely on a personal friendship level and we know it isn't meant to attack each other. Friends can get away with that.)

A fuller discussion for another day I suppose.

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