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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Indy Cultural Tidbit: Pick your culture & your critters.

Plenty to see and do this weekend.

If I weren't already spending the weekend with one drunken Irishman in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, I would be across the stret at Military Park for the Irish Festival! Runs Friday through Sunday with variable priced tickets. Dancing, music, food, and beer! Fun for the entire family. What more could anyone want in a festival?

If you prefer a latin flavor then at the American Legion Mall is Fiesta Indianapolis Festival this Saturday only. 35,000 people are expected to attend and it is in it's 24th year. How come I NEVER heard of this festival until last year? Tickets are FREE, which is perfect for a po' student! Salsa dancing anyone? If I were here I could dance with you.

Lions, and tigers, and bears oh my! Ringling Brothers Cirus is in town until Sunday at Conseco Fieldhouse.

EDIT courtesy of M@
We appear to have a French festival going on this weekend. Hey I'm busy with the bachelor par...er Pre-Wedding Male Bonding Festivities this weekend so I can't cover everything in town here! The French Market at St. Joan of Arc Church on 4217 N. Central Ave. Admission free, with food and beverage tix avaiable all day. Children games, artisan's market, food, and likely other stuff. No website that I have time to look for, but for more info call 317-283-5508.

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