So I Crashed The Governor's Ball.
I came close at least. The story on the radio told me about the governor's mansion being open to the public to show off the new renovations. You know how much I love a good home tour. The Meridian-Kessler neighborhood is one of the ritziest in town. Big houses, real slate tile roofs, lots of yard, and lots of money! This would be my one chance to see the gov's house. Very unlikely I'll ever be a big wig political donor or elected to the office so I say see it now while the paint is still drying.
I thought something wrong as I walked by all the parked cars. Some were typical mainstream Fords, Buicks, Subaru, and other ordinary cars. The rest were Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, and other assorted luxury cars. Joe Ordinary doesn't drive those types of cars. Then I saw the nice lady in the little black dress. It was a nice dress and nice woman. I was dressed up in Dockers and my brown shoes, but I don't think I was where I was supposed to be.
The state police troopers were very nice and courteous. One explained tonight was a private party (fundraiser I'm betting), but he offered to double check on when the public tours were. I felt bad for causing him to inquire about my petty mistake. He was a party of the security force and had better things to do than deal with me.
PS: according to this article $10 donations are asked for future renovations.
If you're in town and want to see the new renovations the Gov's place is open 11-5 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I might do that Friday or Sunday. I think a sign said no cameras though. I bet security doesn't want exact pics showing the layout of the place. Tis a dangerous world out there.
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