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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

To Do List

Get haircut to eliminate bedhead. Check.
Send resume to HR person who requested it after I passed the bar. Check.
Go through car wash to get rid of cat paw prints all over side of MGR. Check.
Get rid of annoying cough. Still working on that one.
Drink plenty of fluids. Check.
Watch the best show on Wednesday night: Veronica Mars. When the clock hits 8:00 9:00 Check.

My To Do List was more extensive, but I got distracted by reading a book. I forgot you can read for purposes not related to school. What a pleasant rediscovery.

Post VM Edit: did anyone else find the Logan/Cordy...er Mama Casablancas sex scene creepy? Yes poor Logan will be our touched by shadows and darkness anti-hero for the season. I feel sorry for him. The whiny girl Wallace is into...don't like her at all. She is far too manipulative. The current sheriff is either a patsy willing to bend to community pressure or too lazy and incompetent to do a proper investigation on anything. I don't mind one flub up in a season, but two bonehead maneuvers in two seasons is a bit much.

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