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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sic volvere Parcus

So spin the Fates,’ the Roman adage goes. One Fate spins the thread. A second Fate measures the thread. The third Fate cuts the thread. Many of our fates get spun today as another class graduates.

I’m sure the ceremony today will be filled with the typical speakers, a band playing ‘Pomp and Circumstance,’ and numerous people congratulating us for our achievement in obtaining a Juris Doctorate degree. Yet this time it will be different in some respects. Every graduation ceremony I’ve attended mentions the ideas of changing the world, how the student body will be the leaders of tomorrow, etc. I doubt any of us were impressed with those ideas when graduating high school. At age 18, none of us were qualified to change anyone’s world. The same themes were spoken at our undergraduate ceremonies. Again, those lofty words seemed higher than our ability to reach them. When those high-minded ideas are expressed today I won’t be as jaded. This time, we truely have the intellectual tools required to be the leaders of tomorrow and to change the world.

Whether or not you decide to practice law, having the J.D. is an accomplishment. That accomplishment is recognized by others and given a weight of respect. Doors of Opportunity will open for us simply because of this degree. Don’t get the impression that life will be a breeze simply because of graduating. We will still work hard to accomplish great deeds and those deeds aren’t handed to us on a silver platter. What I am saying is that Opportunity will come our way due to the effort we’ve expended these past few years.

For better or worse, the movers and shakers of society, the advisors and policy makers, the advocates of others tend to be those who graduated from a law school. ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ As we take advantage of Opportunity, as we eventually become people of power and respect, I hope we develop the wisdom to use these intellectual tools wisely. Regardless of our future job titles, the fate of others will soon be spun with our own, and that is the biggest responsibility of all. Today we proved we are intelligent. In the future we must prove we are wise.

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