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Friday, March 25, 2005

Friday Spies

Stolen from Amanda, who stole it from Heidi, who stole it from BTQ.

1. What blog, other than your own, do you read the most?
I enjoy many of the blogs I have on my sidebar, but when it comes to the most often read it is
Martinis, Persistance, and a Smile.

2. Are you a gadget person? Do you have the latest thingamajigs and whoozits and geegaws? What sort of gadgets do you own?
Surprisingly given my tech past, no. I'm not that into gadgets. I love my laptop. I would love to build a very capable desktop PC system. I wouldn't mind a cool home theater system. I don't own a Palm or Blackberry.

3. If I gave you $1000 on the condition that you couldn't spend it on something responsible (e.g., bills), or save it, what would you do with the money?
VACATION baby! The only question is where am I traveling to?

4. What are your five favorite sitcoms of all time, other than "Seinfeld" and "The Simpsons"?
I NEVER liked Seinfeld. It bored me to tears. I love The Simpsons, but let me think up 5 other sitcoms.
  1. South Park.
  2. Night Court
  3. The Cosby Show.
  4. Ummm...you know this is very hard actually.

5. Organize a film festival based on a theme. Choose a theme and a handful of movies with that theme, and tell us what you've chosen.
Okay this one is easy. Brian's Film Festival of Stuff Blowing Up! Most of the Govenator films like Terminator, T2, Total Recall, Raw. The good Bruce Willis films like the Diehard trilogy, Armageddon. Rambo, Top Gun, Hot Shots Part Duex (better than the first one). I want maximum testosterone.

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