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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Why I Should Be Allowed To Hit People

I know all the legal weanies will say that my right to swing my fist ends when it hits the other person's nose, but sometimes I feel all these individual rights have gone to far. We should be allowed to smack a stupid person as hard and as often as is required to make the point.

Case in point: we have a stairwell with an emergency exit at the bottom in case of fire. The door is marked with a warning that we shouldn't exit unless an emergency. It has a high pitched alarm that squeals when the door is opened. A dumbass man, on his cell phone and obviously oblivious to the world, goes through the door at the stairwell to leave the building Moron just ambles away from the squealing door while chatting away on the cell phone.

Just an example of how we have lots of highly educated idiots on the planet.

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