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Friday, January 28, 2005

What Do You Talk About?

What do you do when you don't want to talk about school, because you both already know about what is going on there? You can't really talk about your own life because nothing really interesting has happened in it lately. You can't talk too much about family as you don't have a very big family. You can talk about sports a little bit, but you're not that familiar with each other's conferences.

I'm so good about putting in nice comments in a conversation, an occasional witty remark, and asking pointed, yet open-ended, questions that allow the other person to be engaged. When the tables are turned on me I find it a little odd. I'm just not used to talking about myself that much. I'm far more the interested listener now. It seems odd to talk about things in the distant past because they occurred so long ago. Just so difficult to talk about anything in the present that doesn't revolve around school. I guess I could have talked politics, but that would seem like school as well. I see I need to work on basic conversation again. At least the dinner and wine were good.

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