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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Just Fix It The Third Or Fourth Time!

I get annoyed at ongoing problems that I feel are easy to resolve.

My saving account gets dinged for having a low minimum balence. I was about to have the account canceled in August because the $3 monthly fee was more then the $0.03 in interest I was earning. I was sad going into the bank because I had this savings account since I was a kid. Nice sentimental value to me to always have something in reserve financially. It had great reserves until I went back to school and blew through the money like a drunken sailor. The teller informed me that I could switch to a different type of account that didn't have the monthly fee. The deal was to have $25 a month transferred from my checking to savings account. Okay sure why not?

Only it didn't work. The $25 transfers occured every month, but I kept getting dinged $3 for the low minimum balance. During the break I went back to the bank and explained the problem. The bank would forward it to their tech support people to fix the account. The next statement I get should have no fees and all my fees would be credited back. Cool.

Only it still hasn't worked. You know that *deep sigh* you do when you see a minor problem that just won't go away. That's what I did upon reading this month's statement. I've gone back again and explained the problem. I hope they fix it this time or else I'll have to go back and threaten someone.

"No officer I'm not robbing the bank. I'm just using this boomstick as a persuasive tool to get the results that I want for my own account."

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