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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Request To Quote?

School has numerous groups to advocate various interests. We have so many that it overwhelms me sometimes. I'll ponder about the meaning of a group simply because I'm unsure of what they stand for. It doesn't help that some groups seem to have very similar purposes. I can look at the webpages and find mission statements, but what do the people in them really think?

Okay [X] I just don't see what the difference between you [one law group that advocates women's issues] and the [other group that advocates women's issues] is. You both advocate women's issues so why have two groups? It just confuses me.

That's easy Brian. We still like guys and are willing to work with you. *then whispers into my ear* I love reading your funny quotes so go ahead and blog that one.

Okay X, just for you I'll blog this. Have you hit the big time when people start requesting that you do things for them online? Why do I have the feeling that I'm being used though?

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