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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Oh Ladies Your Opinions Please

Normally I love it when I'm asked for my advise and opinions, but this one had me at a loss. I gave an answer, but I wasn't satisfied with it. I've even asked a few other people to see what their ideas are on the subject and surprisingly their answers were not any better I thought. So I'm throwing it out to you, especially the numerous female readers I have. Your point of view will be most helpful I feel. If I was way off I'll need to correct what little advice I gave!

What is the difference between two people going out as friends and a [first] date?

The best answer I could come up with: you get a good night kiss at the end. With luck there will be some flirting, but many people flirt with no expectations. They do it simply for the fun. Perhaps a gentle touch of a finger on an arm, a touch that lingers a bit? Everything that I could think up was stuff to be observed during the time together. So my best advice was to just have to play it by ear during the 'date' and if you get the good night kiss at the end you'll know what you just went through. As you can tell this law career better work out because relationship counseling sure won't!

I can discuss world politics, the fine points of federalism and states' rights, WWII history, automobiles, and a bazillion other topics, but when it comes to some basic human interactions I'll just shrug my shoulders. The human equation is very complex eh?

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