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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Finals Are War

Finals are like war.
  1. It's a battle of information. 50 page outline on Trusts & Estates in this case.
  2. Last minute intelligence is key and spotty. Could be a 3 hour exam, could be a 4 hour exam. Can have anywhere from 50 to 100 multiple choice questions. Might have 1 or 2 essay questions. Who needs certainty?
  3. You have your weapons. One laptop computer loaded with Securexam, multiple pencils, 3-ring binder with outline, textbooks.
  4. Mistakes occur frequently requiring improvosation. Manual duplexing of outline to conserve paper has page 49 and 2 on the same piece of paper. Just reprint without duplex option.
  5. Timing is critical. Have 3,maybe 4 hours to win the battle.
  6. Feel like exhausted crap after the battle.

I'm goin' in!

EDIT: Approximately 9:05 a.m this moring after reading the first few questions on the T&E exam


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